Loan Program

Local Public Agencies can borrow equipment to improve roadway safety. LTAP currently has two MetroCount 5600 for temporary traffic surveys and a RoadVista 922 RetroReflectometer. These were purchased by NDOT's High Risk Rural Roads Program so reporting how the equipment was used may be required as a part of the lending agreement.

The standard lending agreement is two weeks. LTAP staff will work with you to arrange pick-up or delivery to get the equipment to you and as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

Know of a piece of equipment LTAP should add to the equipment lending program? Share your suggestion with LTAP.

Nebraska LTAP Contact for this program: Karla Chavez

Picture of the Retroreflectometer

RoadVista 922 RetroReflectometer

The RoadVista 922 RetroReflectometer is a handheld device that measures retroflection of road signs and other materials. It can be an important piece of complying with an MUTCD-required sign assessment and management program. It has a built-in GPS and a barcode reader.

RoadVista 922 RetroReflectometer Request Form

LTAP currently has a RoadVista 922 RetroReflectometer. These were purchased by NDOR's High Risk Rural Roads Program so reporting how the equipment was used may be required as a part of the lending agreement.

The standard lending agreement is two weeks. LTAP staff will work with you to arrange pick-up or delivery to get the equipment to you and as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

In case of damaged equipment, the borrowing agency is responsible for the cost to return the equipment to operating condition. If an item is stolen, the borrowing agency must provide a copy of the police report regarding the theft as well as any additional documentation. For lost items, the borrowing agency is responsible for replacement costs.

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Picture of the MetroCount

MetroCount 5600 Traffic Counter

The MetroCount 5600 is a portable traffic counting device that can detect vehicle count, speed and class. It is designed to collect data from a range of vehicles including bicycles.

MetroCount 5600 Traffic Counter Request Form

LTAP currently has two MetroCount 5600 units for temporary traffic surveys. These were purchased by NDOT's High Risk Rural Roads Program so reporting how the equipment was used may be required as a part of the lending agreement.

The standard lending agreement is two weeks. LTAP staff will work with you to arrange pick-up or delivery to get the equipment to you and as quickly and inexpensively as possible.

In case of damaged equipment, the borrowing agency is responsible for the cost to return the equipment to operating condition. If an item is stolen, the borrowing agency must provide a copy of the police report regarding the theft as well as any additional documentation. For lost items, the borrowing agency is responsible for replacement costs.

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