Basic Temporary Traffic Control

This one-day course introduces topics from the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and related documents important to temporary traffic control professionals. Focus is on knowledge and skills needed to perform tasks in a work zone. The course concludes with a certification exam that, upon successful completion, will present participants with four-year NDOT Basic TTC Certifications. Contact Megan Patent-Nygren for more information.

Topics include standards, authoritative documents, work zone component parts, devices to warn, inform and direct traffic, tapers, buffers, flagging operations, and the installation/removal of devices.  Upon completion of this course participants will be able to identify authoritative sources of TTC procedures; recognize the liability implications in a TTC zone; distinguish among the MUTCD's five work zone duration categories; summarize the component parts of a work zone and activities that take place in each; use  TTC signs, arrow boards, channelizing devices and barricades to direct traffic around or through a work zone; direct traffic using flagging procedures;  determine appropriate sign type, size, and spacing in the advanced warning area; calculate taper length, number of devices and device spacing for five types of tapers and the tangent; plan and execute TTC installation and removal; and conduct a work zone inspection.

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