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- 9/22/2000
- Improved Prediction Models for PCC Pavement Performance-Related Specifications Volume I: Final Report
The final report describes research work to improve the performance prediction models that form the basis for the prototype performance-related specifications that were developed and field-tested in several states. Volume II is a user's guide for the PaveSped software that was upgraded during the research.
- 5/26/2019
- Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement: A State-of-the-Practice Manual
This manual is intended as both a training tool and a reference to help concrete paving engineers, quality control personnel, specific supplies, technicians, and tradespeople bridge the gap between recent research and practice regarding optimizing the performance of concrete for pavements. Specifically, it will help the reader do the following: Understand concrete pavement construction as a complex, integrated system involving several discrete practices that interrelate and affect one another in various ways. Understand and implement technologies, tests, and best practices to identify materials, concrete properties, and construction practices to identify materials, concrete properties, and construction practices that are known to optimize concrete performance. Recognize factors that lead to premature distress in concrete, and learn how to avoid or reduce those factors and quickly access how-to and troubleshooting information.
- 6/27/2017
- Intelligent Compaction for Asphalt Materials
Though used for decades in the rest of the world, the IC technology is less mature for its application in the asphalt compaction than its counterpart for the soils and subbase compaction. Under the ongoing FHWA/TPF IC studies, a tremendous amount of knowledge has been gained on HMA IC.
- 10/27/2002
- Joint Sealing Portland Cement Concrete Pavements
This pocket-sized book is a checklist for joint sealing of PCC pavements. It covers responsibilities, project inspection, and common problems and solutions.
- 7/1/2021
- Kansas Department of Transportation Preventative Maintenance Checklist
The link below provides access to KDOT's preventative maintenance checklist.
- 10/12/2010
- Keeping it Simple in Eudora, Kansas
The City of Eudora, Kansas, implemented a simple pavement management system that might be a useful approach for other small communities.
- 6/26/2004
- Local Road Surfacing Criteria, Automated Software User Guide
On a daily basis, local road agencies in South Dakota are faced with the challenge of determining when it is most economical to maintain, upgrade, or downgrade a road's existing surface. In order to assist decision-makers, the South Dakota DOT initiated a research study in 2002 to investigate surfacing criteria for low-volume roads.
- 1/2/2017
- Long Term Pavement Performance Climate Tool
The LTPP Climate Tool offers users convenient access to climate data derived from the MERRA database in an intuitive and easy-to-use format. The MERRA Climate Data for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) Inputs button under the tools menu of the LTPP InfoPaveTM Web site allows users to extract the MERRA data in a format that is compatible with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTOWare® Pavement ME Design software.
- 3/8/2006
- Long Term Pavement Performance Product List
The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program is a 20-year study of Inservice pavements designed to provide the data required to understand how and why pavements perform the way they do. The U.S. Congress mandated the LTPP program to “prepare products and deliver them to the appropriate customers in a rational, organized manner.” To fulfill this mandate, the LTPP program developed the products.
- 6/1/2018
- Long-Term Pavement Performance Climate Tool User Guide
This report presents the user guide for the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Climate Tool. The climate data in the LTPP Climate Tool have been extracted from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) database. The LTPP Climate Tool was developed to provide convenient dissemination of climate data derived from the MERRA database for infrastructure engineering applications in customary engineering units. This report includes instructions for the use of the LTPP Climate Tool. The Tool includes both a map and a data module that allow the user to download MERRA elements for temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, and solar at hourly, daily, monthly, and annual time increments all over the world.
- 1/15/2014
- Long-Term Pavement Performance Pavement Loading User Guide
This guide addresses the selection and use of axle loading defaults for Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) applications. The defaults were developed based on weigh-in-motion (WIM) data from the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Special Pavement Study (SPS) Transportation Pooled Fund Study (TPF). The guide consists of two parts. The first part provides guidelines for selecting and using LTPP SPS TPF axle loading defaults with the MEPDG and DARWin-ME software. These defaults provide a source of axle loading information for pavement analysis for locations where site-specific axle load spectra are not available. The second part of the guide provides practical guidelines that States and LTPP can use to generate additional MEPDG traffic loading defaults based on their own WIM data or for specific analysis purposes. In addition, this guide contains an operator’s manual that supports the use of the LTPP PLUG software. This software helps users select site-specific or default axle loading conditions from its traffic loading library and produces axle load distribution input files for use with the MEPDG or DARWin-ME software. The software can be used to store, view, and group multiple normalized axle load spectra (NALS) and to develop MEPDG inputs and defaults using agency-provided data.
- 10/19/2015
- Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology The Concrete Pavement Road Map- Background and Summary
The Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology (CP Road Map) is a holistic strategic plan for concrete pavement research and technology transfer. The CP Road Map is a living plan that includes 12 distinct but integrated research tracks leading to specific products and processes. The resulting improvements will help the concrete pavement industry meet the challenges of, and achieve the industry’s full potential in, the 21st century. The plan was developed in close partnership with stakeholders representing all aspects of the concrete pavement community, public and private, and the research will be conducted through partnerships of stakeholders. Over the last several years, the plan has been managed through an operational support mechanism provided by a transportation pooled fund project. The CP Road Map is presented in two volumes. Volume I describes why the research plan is needed, how it was developed, and, generally, what the plan includes. Volume I also describes the research management plan that will guide the conduct and implementation of research. Volume II describes in detail the 12 tracks of research. Each track description includes a general overview, a tracked goal, track action items, a list of subtracts, and detailed problem statements within each subtract.
- 5/18/2021
- Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology The Concrete Pavement Road Map- Tracks
The Long-Term Plan for Concrete Pavement Research and Technology (CP Road Map) is a holistic strategic plan for concrete pavement research and technology transfer. The CP Road Map is a living plan that includes 12 distinct but integrated research tracks leading to specific products and processes. The resulting improvements will help the concrete pavement industry meet the challenges of, and achieve the industry’s full potential in, the 21st century. The plan was developed in close partnership with stakeholders representing all aspects of the concrete pavement community, public and private, and the research will be conducted through partnerships of stakeholders. Over the last several years, the plan has been managed through an operational support mechanism provided by a transportation pooled fund project. The CP Road Map is presented in two volumes. Volume I describes why the research plan is needed, how it was developed, and, generally, what the plan includes. Volume I also describes the research management plan that will guide the conduct and implementation of research. Volume II describes in detail the 12 tracks of research. Each track description includes a general overview, a tracked goal, track action items, a list of subtracts, and detailed problem statements within each subtract.
- 6/1/2015
- Low Cost Rural Surface Alternatives: Demonstration Project
The goals of this project were to implement several stabilization methods for preventing or mitigating freeze-thaw damage to granular surfaced roads and identify the most effective and economical methods for the soil and climate conditions of Iowa. Several methods and technologies identified as potentially suitable for Iowa were selected from an extensive analysis of existing literature provided with Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) Project TR-632.
- 3/23/2016
- Manual for Emulsion-Based Chip Seals for Pavement Preservation NCHRP Report
This proposed manual, prepared as part of NCHRP Project 14-17, Manual for Emulsion-Based Chip Seals for Pavement Preservation, is a recommendation by NCHRP Project 14-17 staff at Colorado State University. This manual has not been approved by NCHRP or any AASHTO committee or formally accepted for adoption by AASHTO.
- 1/11/1999
- Materials and Procedures for Rapid Repair of Partial-Depth Spalls in Concrete Pavements
The Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) H-106 maintenance experiment and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) of Pavement Maintenance Materials Test Sites project studied the repair of partial depth spalls in concrete pavements. Many different repair materials and methods were investigated between 1991 and 1998 through test sites installed at four locations in the United States. The findings of these combined studies have been merged with standard highway agency procedures to provide the most useful and up-to-date information on the practice of concrete partial depth spall repair.
- 1/23/2001
- Materials and Procedures for Repair of Joint Seals in Portland Cement Concrete Pavements
This Manual is intended for field and office personnel within highway maintenance agencies and contracted maintenance firms. It contains valuable information for supervisors and foremen in charge of individual resealing operations, engineers in charge of planning and overseeing many joint resealing projects, and managers in charge of establishing resealing policies and standards.
- 1/11/1999
- Materials and Procedures for Repair of Potholes in Asphalt Surfaced Pavements (FHWA-RD-99-168)
The Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) H-106 maintenance experiment and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) of Pavement Maintenance Materials Test Sites project studied the repair of potholes in asphalt-surfaced pavements. Many different repair materials and methods were investigated between 1991 and 1996 through test sites installed at eight locations in the United States and Canada. The findings of these combined studies have been merged with standard highway agency procedures to provide the most useful and up-to-date information on the practice of repairing potholes.
- 4/1/2019
- Mechanisms of Hydration and Setting of Ordinary Portland Cement in Simple and Complex Systems
This research summary report provides a description of research carried out to improve the understanding of the mechanisms of hydration of portland cement in complex and simple mixtures; develop analytical methods to directly observe hydration processes in real-time; and develop and validate improved computer models to design optimal concrete composition, curing methods, performance, and durability.
- 1/22/2001
- Microdamage Healing in Asphalt and Asphalt Concrete: Volumes I-VI
This documents a study of microdamage healing in asphalt concrete. It identifies the asphalt constituents which influence microdamage and healing and provides a predictive model.
- 1/22/2003
- Microsurfacing Application
This pocket-sized book is a checklist for microsurfacing applications. It covers preliminary responsibilities, pre-seal and project inspection, cleanup, and common problems and solutions.
- 10/12/2010
- Minimizing Moisture Damage in Asphalt Pavements
The presence of moisture combined with repetitive traffic can adversely affect the performance of asphalt pavements. Moisture damage is caused by a loss of adhesion, commonly referred to as “stripping” of the asphalt film from the aggregate surface or a loss of cohesion within the asphalt binder itself, resulting in a reduction in asphalt mix stiffness. Heavy traffic on a moisture-weakened asphalt pavement can result in premature rutting or fatigue cracking. This article discusses how to minimize damage by moisture.
- 4/11/1998
- Minnesota Seal Coat Handbook (MN/RD-98)
The primary purpose of this handbook is to provide a solid background in seal coat materials, equipment, design, and construction for the field inspector. The field inspector chapter was written by an accomplished field inspector with many years of experience constructing high-quality seal coat projects in Minnesota.
- 4/12/2012
- New Guide on Sustainable Concrete
Describes the 114-page Sustainable Concrete Pavements: A Manual of Practice, published by the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center in 2012. The guide covers the topic of sustainable concrete in a well-organized and easy-to-read manner. Includes a link to the guide.
- 11/2/2012
- Overview of Geosynthetic Materials
A presentation on Geo-Synthetics for Stream Crossings and Channel Stabilization by Dr. Jie Han, Professor CEAE, University of Kansas.
- 6/12/2013
- Pavement Condition Surveys- Overview of Current Practices
This publication reviews different ways of assessing pavement conditions. Pavement Condition Surveys refer to activities performed to give an indication of the serviceability and physical conditions of road pavements. These activities have three main aspects, namely: data collection, condition rating and quality management.
- 4/12/2015
- Pavement Management: Small Agencies Can Do It
A look at a simple pavement management system developed in Microsoft Excel for the City of Burlington, and how they used it to dramatically improve the condition of their streets in three years’ time.
- 5/26/2002
- Pavement Marking Materials Guidelines
This publication provides selection guidance for both durable and non-durable pavement markings. Information for each material includes cost and service life, pavement compatibility, surface preparation, application, and inspection.
- 4/15/2016
- Pavement Patching Practices (NCHRP Synthesis 463)
This report summarizes current practices for patching both concrete and asphalt pavements. The intent is to document the state of the practice for patching relatively small-scale surface defects in concrete and asphalt pavements. Both reactive and planned patching is addressed. The synthesis covers management or administrative issues, materials, methods, equipment, specifications and tests, traffic control, and other aspects of patching operations.
- 3/24/2020
- Pavement Preservation Checklist Series
FHWA resources for pavement preservation checklist series.
- 7/20/2019
- Pavement Preservation Checklist Series: Chip Seal
This checklist is one in a series created to guide State and local highway preservation/maintenance and inspection staff on the use of innovative pavement preservation techniques.
- 10/20/2002
- Pavement Preservation Checklist Series: Joint Sealing Portland Cement Concrete Pavements
This checklist is one of a series created to guide State and local highway maintenance and inspection staff in the use of innovative pavement preventive maintenance processes. The series is provided through the joint efforts of the Pavement Preservation Program of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the Foundation for Pavement Preservation (FP2 ).
- 9/20/2003
- Pavement Preservation Compendium
The articles and other reference material in this Compendium describe the many facets of pavement preservation activities underway in the United States today, from California to Michigan to North Carolina. As we look forward to advancing pavement preservation research, skills, and knowledge, they provide an introduction to what our State and local partners are already accomplishing, and a roadmap to our future.
- 9/20/2006
- Pavement Preservation Compendium II
Since the release of the original Pavement Preservation Compendium in September 2003, there have been great initiatives taken by the State departments of transportation (DOTs), industry, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to advance the message of pavement preservation as one of several effective asset management tools. Since the last publication, FHWA has initiated a national evaluation of pavement preservation programs in the State DOTs and FHWA field offices to establish a national baseline to gain a uniform perspective on the current condition of this vital area. The message of “applying the right treatment to the right road at the right time” is becoming widely accepted across the country
- 2/1/2016
- Pavement Preservation Fact Sheet
Whether a highway pavement is constructed using asphalt, concrete, or a composite system, traffic loads and environmental elements will contribute to its deterioration over time. Pavement preservation treatments can slow this structural decline. When the right treatment is applied at the right time with quality materials and construction, these practices offer a proven, cost-effective approach to extending the overall service life of pavements and achieving smoother, safer roads with fewer costly repairs.
- 6/12/2018
- Pavement Preservation Keeps Good Roads in Good Condition
This article describes some common pavement treatments and outlines the advantages of each treatment. It will also highlight pavement treatment practices and costs outlined in Sedgwick County’s Pavement Preservation Plan for 2018.
- 2/1/2003
- Pavement Structural Evaluation at the Network Level
This document is a technical summary of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) report, Pavement Structural Evaluation at the Network Level (FHWA-HRT-15-074).(1) It addresses the use of traffic speed deflection devices for the structural evaluation of pavements at the network level. Highlights from three major efforts—gathering information to identify viable devices, performing field trials at or near the Minnesota Department of Transportation MnROAD pavement test track facility near Maplewood, MN, to evaluate viable devices, and analyzing data to identify and select the best deflection indices—are presented. Suggestions for implementation of the results within network-level pavement management system (PMS) applications are also provided as well as recommended technology improvements.
- 4/12/2012
- Pavement Treatments Tried in Sedgwick County, Kansas
Provides examples from Sedgwick County’s pavement preservation program to help extend the service life of asphalt roads. The program consists of a planned series of preventive maintenance treatments and minor rehabilitation.
- 11/13/2013
- Paving the Way for Greener Highways- Extending Concrete Service Life Through Multiscale Crack Control
Slowing the deterioration of highway infrastructure, reducing carbon emissions, conserving resources, repurposing industrial waste—this Exploratory Advanced Research (EAR) Program project is pursuing multiple benefits through a unique experimental approach.
- 6/27/2017
- Performance of Sealed and Unsealed Concrete Pavement Joints
This Tech Brief presents the results of a nationwide study of the effects of transverse joint sealing on the performance of jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP). This study was conducted to assess whether JPCP designs with unsealed transverse joints performed differently from JPCP designs with sealed transverse joints. Distress and deflection data were collected from 117 test sections at 26 experimental joint sealing projects located in 11 states. Performance of the pavement test sections with unsealed joints was compared with the performance of pavement test sections with one or more types of sealed joints.
- 6/23/2001
- Performance Test for Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Including Effects of Preloading
This report covers a study to investigate the behavior of geosynthetic reinforces soil (GRS) masses under various loading conditions and to develop a simplified analytical model for predicting deformation characteristics of a generic GRS mass.
- 2/11/2015
- Perpetual Pavements: How to Design a Road to Last
A quick primer on Perpetual Pavement design, where asphalt roads can be built to stand the test of time with only minimal periodic maintenance. It's a cost-effective way to ensure the high level of smooth, safe drivability that the public wants with minimal inconvenience.
- 7/22/2009
- Portable Seismic Property Analyzer: Identification of Asphalt Pavement Layers
The focus of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Portable Seismic Property Analyzer (PSPA) to rapidly and nondestructively measure the thickness and in situ moduli of asphalt pavement layers. These procedures are presented to calibrate and validate the results in the laboratory with simplified seismic tests on extracted cores and determine the design modulus from measured values. Performing these simplified laboratory and field tests along with more traditional tests may result in a database that can be used to smoothly unify the design procedures with pavement evaluation.
- 4/23/2001
- Portland-Cement Concrete Rheology and Workability
This study investigated four methods for determining the workability of freshly mixed portland-cement concrete with slumps less than 51 mm (2 inches). It included two moving object methods, one free-orifice method, and one vibrating-slope method.
- 2/12/2016
- Pothole Patching: A Review on Materials and Methods
Covers methods and costs of 4 types of pothole repair.
- 3/23/2016
- Practices for Permitting Super Heavy Load Movements on Highway Pavements
TRB’s NCHRP Synthesis 476 documents the practices followed in issuing permits for overweight and superheavy commercial vehicles (SHCVs) or “superloads.” Superloads are trucks that exceed the thresholds set for overweight vehicles but are allowed to operate with annual permits throughout state highway networks.
- 9/12/2013
- Prevention of Stripping Under Chip Seals
The recommendations developed in this project will help agencies prevent and remedy stripping under chip seals, which can be an expensive maintenance problem for urban curb-and-gutter streets.
- 5/9/2012
- Problems, Solutions, and Case Examples of the Use of Geo-Synthetics for Stream Crossings and Channel
Slides from the 3rd presentation of the workshop on Geo-Synthetics for Stream Crossings and Channel Stabilization by Jeff Pearce, ASP Enterprises, Inc.
- 5/26/2001
- Reduction of Concrete Deterioration by Ettringite Using Crystal Growth Inhibition Techniques
This report presents the results of laboratory experiments using four commercial inhibitors to reduce the about of ettringite and concrete expansion and cracking.
- 1/31/2017
- Relating Ride Quality and Structural Adequacy for Pavement Rehabilitation and Management Decisions
This tech brief discusses the relationship between pavement ride quality and structural adequacy. It presents highlights from a literature search and findings from the analysis and comparison of ride quality and structural adequacy data from the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program. Although a viable relationship between the two parameters could not be established, the lack of correlation is considered of value to pavement management system (PMS) practitioners, as it indicates that good ride quality does not mean good structural support or vice-versa. This becomes an important consideration for those who want to base performance measures on ride quality indicators.