- 12/11/2014
- Cones Sound a Warning of Work Zone Intrusion
This article describes how intrusion alarms work and reports on research conducted in Kansas that compared two of the available models.
- 3/7/2017
- Dump Truck Pre-Inspection
A concise look at how to inspect a dump truck before taking it out on a job.
- 4/2/2018
- Guidance for Evaluating the Safety Impacts of Intersection Sight Distance
Intersection sight distance (ISD) is a key design element at intersections. ISD is the actual, measurable unobstructed view a driver has of an intersection, including traffic control devices and views along the intersecting roadways. Adequate ISD at intersections with stop control on the minor road contributes to the ability of drivers stopped on the minor road to identify an appropriate gap for departing from the intersection and entering or crossing the major road. Designs that provide adequate ISD also allow drivers on the major road approaches to see stopped vehicles on the minor road and prepare to slow or stop if needed. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 6th Edition, also known as the Green Book, provides design criteria for different types of sight distances, including ISD (AASHTO 2011). The ISD criteria in the Green Book vary according to traffic control on the minor road, design speed of the major road, and turning movement from the minor road. Minimum ISD values are based on driver gap-acceptance behaviors. Assumptions based on field observations are made about physical conditions (e.g., object height and driver eye height), vehicle performance capabilities, and driver behavior. The information does not currently exist in the Green Book or the Highway Safety Manual (HSM; AASHTO 2010) on how ISD affects the expected frequency and severity of intersection crashes.
- 6/30/2015
- Guidelines on Motorcycle and Bicycle Work Zone Safety
This document describes work zone conditions that can cause safety concerns for motorcyclists and bicyclists. It also describes effective strategies and techniques that can be used to help mitigate those concerns.
- 4/30/2012
- Guides for Providing Accessibility: MUTCD and ADAAG
Highlights revisions to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices re: accessibility and provide some examples of municipalities in Kansas working through these new requirements—and others of the ADA.
- 3/4/2014
- Hazards of Tree Falling and Trimming Operations
This PERRP Safety Alert discusses ways to reduce or eliminate tree work-related accidents. It discusses training and proper work practices and identifies controls necessary to reduce the risk of serious injury. Recent public employee fatalities during tree work operations have demonstrated a need to bring attention to these hazardous conditions to ensure each and every public employee is provided with a safe and healthy workplace.
- 12/16/2019
- Highway Rail Crossing Safety Action Plan
The purpose of the Highway-Rail Crossing Handbook, 3rd Edition is an information resource developed to provide a unified reference document on prevalent and best practices as well as adopted standards relative to highway-rail grade crossings. The handbook provides general information on highway-rail crossings; characteristics of the crossing environment and users; and physical and operational changes that can be made at crossings to enhance the safety and operation of both highway and rail traffic over such intersections. The guidelines identified and potential alternative improvements presented in this handbook reflect current best practices nationwide.
- 1/5/2011
- Highway Safety Improvement Program- Project Eligibility
A formula apportions HSIP funds to state departments of transportation (DOT) to administer, but any public road or pathway, including those owned by local governments, can benefit. The objective is to target resources where they will be most effective, which means the focus is results.
- 6/1/2010
- How Counties as Employers are Responding to the Health Reform Law: A NACo Survey of County Human Resource Directors
The survey shows that the majority of county human resource departments that responded to the survey are preparing in some way for the changes required by the health reform law—specifically, 43 percent are undertaking some degree of planning and 26 percent are in the initial planning stages. It is also evident that counties will need more information, as the provisions affecting employer-sponsored health plans are implemented, to better understand the impacts.
- 1/5/2008
- How to Avoid Drowsy Driving
Feeling sleepy is especially dangerous when you are driving. Sleepiness slows your reaction time, decreases awareness, and impairs your judgment, just like drugs or alcohol. People who are very sleepy behave in similar ways to people who are drunk. The impact that this has on traffic safety should not be underestimated. In fact, the AAA Foundation recently studied the prevalence and impact of drowsy driving and estimated that 16.5 percent of fatal crashes on the nation’s roadways involve a drowsy driver.
- 10/1/2013
- How to Conduct a Tailgate Safety Talk
Tailgate Safety Talks are a gathering of a small group of workers around the tailgate of a truck, or other spot, for a brief training session on a single safety topic.
- 3/23/2002
- Judicial Enforcement of Variable Speed Limits NCHRP Legal Research Digest No. 47
This report examines the legal issues that may arise from the implementation and enforcement of variable speed limits.
- 1/12/2009
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Part 6 (TTC)
The MUTCD is the national standard for traffic control in the United States. Part 6 addresses the design of temporary traffic control in work zones.
- 10/15/2014
- Nine Proven Safety Countermeasures- Guidance Memorandum
This guide provides you with a revised list of research-proven countermeasures that supersedes the 2008 guidance. Through our collective efforts, many of the nine safety countermeasures in the 2008 guidance are thoroughly integrated into the options the States consider as they address their safety issues. However, some have not reached that level of widespread application. Accordingly, some of the countermeasures from the 2008 guidance were brought forward with the new ones we've added. As you so successfully did with the 2008 guidance, we encourage you to advance these safety countermeasure options with your State DOT counterparts.
- 11/2/2008
- North Dakota Flagging Handbook
The information in this handbook is designed to give you some basic guidelines regarding flagging operations. Familiarize yourself with these procedures. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask your supervisor.
- 11/2/2016
- Noteworthy Local Policies that Support Safe and Complete Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks
Noteworthy Local Policies That Support Safe and Complete Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks provide local and state agencies with tools to develop policies that support the development of safe and complete bicycle and pedestrian networks for users of all ages and abilities. The guide is accompanied by case studies that showcase examples from across the country of how policies can support safe and complete street networks.
- 8/20/2010
- Noteworthy Practices: Addressing Safety on Locally-Owned and Maintained Roads
Locally-owned road safety remains a challenge to many States. Several States have shown measured success in addressing local road safety. Seven States were identified to participate in the Local Road Safety Domestic Scan, allowing a team of transportation professionals from the Federal, State, and local levels to visit and document their practices. The Domestic Scan report identifies and documents practices in the planning, programming, and implementation of efforts to improve local road safety. Practices are presented in data collection and analysis; local project identification; local project administration; funding; training and technical assistance; outreach and partnerships between State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and local agencies. The report provides States with valuable information to launch a local road safety program or implement documented practices to improve an established program.
- 5/20/2021
- Noteworthy Practices: Roadside Tree and Utility Pole Management
Crashes involving roadside trees and utility poles are the most prevalent among fatal, run-off-road, fixed object crashes. Nevertheless, these two obstacles remain among the least-treated on the roadside. As such, comprehensive research is both needed and frequently proposed in this area. This report is intended to provide agencies with examples of successful—immediately deployable— tree and pole practices until such time as this research can be performed. These practices range from complex, multi-million dollar contract solutions to in-house efforts that can be accomplished with minimal resources, and have been drawn from every region of the United States as well as from previous research.
- 1/20/2021
- OSHA eTools and Electronic Products
eTools, eMatrix, Expert Advisors, and v-Tools
- 8/7/2024
- Rural Roads OKC Peer Exchange.pdf
Throughout the course of two days, it was evident that the traffic professionals in the room whether they are from law enforcement, planning, or engineering want to improve the transportation safety culture. Many participants are working to identify the appropriate tools to promote a healthy safety culture within their own organization. Specific key takeaways from conversations, discussions, and insights of participants include: 1. Understanding where to begin developing programs that implement low-cost safety-focused strategies and countermeasures 2. Comprehending and leveraging funding opportunities at Federal and State levels. 3. Effectively messaging to rural America. 4. Collaborating across different government agencies and partnering with outside entities.
- 4/13/2013
- Safety or Liability? It's Your Call
Describes the basic tasks an agency must consider for setting up temporary traffic control during maintenance operations, and points toward some helpful resources for more information.
- 2/12/2014
- Safety Precautions for Operating a Lift
Tips to keep in mind when using a wheelchair on a lift.
- 10/14/2014
- Six Questions to Consider Before You Outsource Your Transit Vehicle Maintenance
An expert recommends asking six questions, as you consider soliciting proposals ranging from the capacity to handle multiple types of vehicles to technician skills. This will help to make sure the vendor you choose can handle your maintenance needs.
- 8/15/2014
- Temporary Rumble Strips Help Workers Feel Safer
This article describes the types of temporary rumble strips used and specs by the Kansas DOT for use in advance of road maintenance activities, and what to consider when purchasing temporary rumble strips for particular situations.
- 11/28/2022
- U.S. DOT Strategic Plan FY 2022-2026
This Strategic Plan includes the following key elements as defined by OMB guidance: Strategic Goals are general, outcome-oriented, long-term goals for the major functions and operations of the U.S. DOT. They address the broad impacts desired by U.S. DOT. Strategic Objectives reflect the outcomes that U.S. DOT is trying to achieve and are tied to performance goals and indicators. Lead agencies are identified for each strategic objective and key performance indicator; however, the Department recognizes that many strategies require coordination across Operating Administrations and Secretarial Offices. Strategies describe how U.S. DOT plans to progress toward its strategic objectives. Performance Indicators are quantitative metrics that measure progress toward a strategic objective. Agency Priority Goals are near-term results or achievements that leadership wants to accomplish within approximately 24 months that rely predominantly on the agency’s implementation.
- 7/21/2013
- Volunteer Drivers: A Guide to Best Practices
This guide will assist organizations that provide passenger transportation services to persons with special transportation needs, with developing and maintaining volunteer driver programs. The guide is a tool kit that provides the framework for developing and maintaining volunteer driver programs.