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- 3/12/2021
- AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA Joint Committee/ Subcommittee on New Highway Materials and Technologies- 2006 Summary Report
Design and Analysis, materials quality assurance, sustainability, pavement management and performance, materials and construction technology, and EDC-6: Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS).
- 9/1/2017
- Analysis of Cracking in Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements
This paper investigates the trends of longitudinal and transverse cracking in jointed concrete pavements based on Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Program Strategic Study of Structural Factors for Rigid Pavements (SPS-2) data. The impacts of slab properties, base type, traffic volume, and environmental factors on the occurrence and extent of longitudinal and transverse cracking were identified from a simple analysis of the raw cracking data. SPS-2 sites in Arizona and Arkansas were chosen to investigate cracking mechanisms in detail. A new hypothesis for the prevalence of premature cracking on these sites was proposed and tested by numerical simulations.
- 8/26/2004
- Applications of Geophysical Methods to Highway Related Problems
This document provides highway engineers with a basic knowledge of geophysics and nondestructive test (NDT) methods for solving specific transportation-related problems. Condition evaluation of engineered structures includes integrity assessment for defects and corrosion and the determination of unknown geometry such as foundation depths or extent of foundations.
- 11/1/2011
- Are Special Event Pavement Markings Cluttering Your Streets?
Pavement markings used for a special-event route can also bring visual clutter to the streets if the markings are not removed immediately after the event. This can even interfere with utility line-markings or traffic control markings. This article provides some suggestions for management.
- 1/31/2017
- Asphalt Binder Cracking Device to Reduce Low-Temperature Asphalt Pavement Cracking: Final Report
The ABCD is an easy-to-use device for determining the overall low-temperature cracking potential of an asphalt binder. The report presents results of the ABCD interlaboratory study (ILS), a second ILS comparing use of the ABCD with Bending Beam Reflectometer (BBR) testing, and a third study that modified the ABCD testing procedure to improve precision of ABCD testing. Data from 23 laboratories participating in the ABCD testing are presented.
- 1/2/2002
- Asphalt Pavement Maintenance Field Guide
This field guide provides guidelines for preventive asphalt pavement maintenance techniques for a variety of distresses and conditions.
- 4/12/2017
- Asphalt Paving 101: How to Stay Safe on the Paving Job Site
Shows some of the hazards of paving operations. Covers site conditions, establishing safety processes, the importance of watching out for teammates, the value of knowing and maintaining your equipment to stay safe, personal protective equipment, and what to do in case of an emergency.
- 11/1/2011
- Asphalt Recycling on the Rise
This article will describe the benefits of using reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and its use in Kansas.
- 10/1/2015
- Assessing Pavement Surface Splash and Spray Impact on Road Users (Tech Brief)
This TechBrief describes the development of an assessment tool to characterize the propensity of highway sections to generate splash and spray during rainfall and the impact of splash and spray on road users.
- 1/27/2001
- Backcalculation of Layer Parameters for LTTP Test Sections, Volume I: Slab on Elastic Solid and Slab on Dense-Liquid Found
This report documents the results of backcalculation of layer material properties for rigid pavements included in the LTTP program in the United States, and Canada using deflection testing data.
- 7/28/2021
- Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Controlling Erosion, Sediment, and Pollutant Runoff from Construction Sites
The manual was developed to help engineers, landscape architects, developers, construction managers, and others plan and implement measures that reduce harmful water quality impacts from construction projects and other land-clearing activities. The manual begins by explaining potential water quality impacts from construction and development, then summarizes applicable federal, state, and local regulations. The next sections explain basic principles for selecting, designing, and implementing construction site BMPs and provide detailed information on the most commonly used BMPs.
- 11/1/2018
- Best Practices for Chip Sealing Low-Volume Roads in Ohio
The purpose of this research was to gain a better understanding of chip seal practices of the local agencies and identify best practices for low-traffic volume roads. The goal of this research was to assess the current state of practice for chip sealing on the county, township, and municipal-maintained roads. The objective was to develop a matrix of best practices for chip sealing low-volume roads in Ohio and design a study to aid in the future assessment of long-term performance creating protocols for data collection.
- 5/7/2014
- Best Practices for Crack Treatments for Asphalt Pavements
This report summarizes the state-of-the-art and current state-of-the-practice of crack treatments and concludes with current best practices. This report is limited to crack sealing and crack filling of asphalt pavements and does not consider joint filling on concrete pavements, reflective cracking retardation techniques, joint construction techniques, or other related issues.
- 1/1/2016
- Building and Maintaining Trails: Tips and Techniques for Rural Communities
This fact sheet outlines some considerations for the initial design and long-term maintenance of trails and provides a list of resources for more information on this topic.
- 1/21/2005
- Cold In-Place Asphalt Recycling Application Checklist
This pocket-sized book is a checklist for cold in-place asphalt recycling applications. It covers responsibilities, project inspection, and common problems and solutions.
- 5/16/2014
- Composite Behavior of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Mass
This study investigated the composite behavior of a geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) mass. Many studies have been conducted on the behavior of GRS structures; however, the interactive behavior between the soil and geosynthetic reinforcement in a GRS mass has not been fully elucidated. Current design methods consider the reinforcement in a GRS structure as tiebacks and adopt a design concept that the reinforcement strength and reinforcement spacing produce the same effects on the performance of a GRS structure. This has encouraged designers to use stronger reinforcement at a larger spacing to reduce time and effort in construction.
- 6/29/2021
- Concrete Pavement Preservation Guide
This document provides valuable guidance and information on the selection, design, and construction of cost-effective concrete pavement preservation treatments. It is based on a document prepared in 2008 but has been revised and expanded to include updated information to assist highway agencies in effectively managing their concrete pavement network through the application of timely and effective preservation treatments. The preservation approach typically uses low-cost, minimally invasive techniques to improve the overall condition of the pavement.
- 6/27/2017
- Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation and Preservation Treatments
The goal of this project was to read academia, CPTP’s primarily examines many of the concrete pavement restoration techniques previously evaluated in the 1980s and to provide updated guidance on the design and goals are to reduce congestion, construction of these techniques. Specific treatments evaluated under the improved safety, lower costs, project include: joint resealing, slab stabilization, partial-depth repairs, load transfer restoration, and diamond grinding and grooving.
- 8/27/2005
- Context Sensitive Roadway Surfacing Selection Guide
This Context Sensitive Roadway Surfacing Guide documents the available options for roadway surfacing and provides a decision-making process to allow consideration of all conventional engineering design factors, such as structural capacity, performance, durability, safety, life-cycle costs, but will also allow consideration of aesthetics, context compatibility, and environmental impacts. The Guide presents a review of FLH’s Project Delivery Process (PDP) and a roadway surfacing selection process that includes consideration of context-sensitivity, to be used in conjunction with the PDP. A CD-ROM titled Roadway Surfacing Options Photo Album accompanies the Guide.
- 1/22/2000
- Core Analysis of Portland Cement Concrete Slip Formed Barriers
A study was initiated to evaluate core samples taken from good and from bad appearing areas of various median barriers. Evaluations were done covering visual appearance, construction information, air content, and chloride content.
- 11/21/2001
- Crack Seal Application
This pocket-sized book is a checklist for crack sealing. It covers pre-application, project and clean-up inspection, and common problems and solutions.
- 4/5/2012
- Cracking Down on Crumbling Concrete
Describes how some communities in Kansas are spec-ing their concrete to head off problems with early concrete failure.
- 1/2/2014
- Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program (FHWA-RD-03-031)
Accurate, consistent, and repeatable distress evaluation surveys can be performed by using the Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program. Color photographs and drawings illustrate the distresses found in three basic pavement types: asphalt concrete-surfaced, jointed (plain and reinforced) portland cement concrete, and continuously reinforced concrete. Drawings of the distress types provide a reference to assess their severity. Methods for measuring the size of distresses and for assigning severity levels are given. The manual also describes how to conduct the distress survey and measure cracks in the pavement. Sample forms for recording and reporting the data are included. The manual also tells how to calibrate and operate fault measurement devices.
- 1/22/2005
- Dowel-Bar Retrofit for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements
This pocket-sized book is a checklist for dowel-bar retrofit of PCC pavements. It covers responsibilities, project inspection, and common problems and solutions.
- 7/1/2011
- EAR Program Research Results (Exploratory Advanced Research)
This catalog of results documents the output of that effort, a critical link in the chain of research, development, and deployment of new technology and practices necessary for the United States to have the best transportation system in the world for decades to come.
- 3/12/2021
- Enhancing Pavement Smoothness Fact Sheet
- 5/4/2012
- ERRATA: Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System, Interim Implementation Guide
This manual outlines the state-of-the-art and recommended practice for designing and constructing Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) technology for the application of the Integrated Bridge System (IBS). The procedures presented in this manual are based on 40 years of State and Federal research focused on GRS technology as applied to abutments and walls.
- 9/26/2012
- Estimation of Key PCC, Base, Subbase, and Pavement Engineering Properties from Routine Tests and Physical Characteristics
Material characterization is a critical component of modern-day pavement analysis, design, construction, quality control/quality assurance, management, and rehabilitation.
- 7/17/2015
- Evaluation of Pavement Safety Performance
The intent of this study was to isolate the effects of various low-cost pavement treatments on roadway safety. This was a retrospective study of pavement safety performance, looking back at crash data before and after treatments were installed. Both flexible and rigid pavement treatments were analyzed, with the majority typically used for pavement preservation or minor rehabilitation purposes. Although State highway agencies recognize that most of these treatments generally improve pavement friction, they are not typically installed explicitly for safety improvement, with one exception, high-friction surfacing, which is typically applied as a spot safety treatment.
- 2/22/2017
- Evaluation of Recycled Aggregates Test Section Performance
The need to consider sustainability in a design dictates that materials should be recycled and reused whenever possible. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is quite progressive in allowing the use of recycled aggregates in new construction. While the use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in the base course of new pavements is quite common in Minnesota and many other states, it is rarely used in the concrete pavement itself. In fact, Minnesota was one of the few states to build multiple trial projects and has one of the largest numbers of concrete pavements constructed using the RCA in the concrete itself. The performance of those pavements, most of which are still in service, has never been formally evaluated against similar conventional concrete pavements. This prompted the current research study. Additional objectives were to assess the current state of practice across the nation, conduct experimental investigations using RCA in concrete, assess the sustainability and in particular the economics of using RCA in concrete, and finally to provide some recommendations for guidelines on using RCA in concrete. It has been shown by the authors and other researchers that it is possible to create strong and durable concrete mixtures using RCA as coarse aggregate in volume replacement levels of natural coarse aggregate up to 100%.
- 3/30/2012
- Experiences with Roller Compacted Concrete In Kansas
This fact sheet profiles a few roller compacted concrete (RCC) projects on public roads in Kansas, describes elements of a successful RCC project and introduces key resources for further information.
- 4/11/2015
- Exploring the Rural National Transit Database with INTDAS
An introduction to the INTDAS tool that allows transit agencies to use data from the National Transit Database (urban and rural versions) to record and monitor performance. INTDAS is designed for ease and speed of use.
- 3/12/2021
- FHWA- Pavement Resources
- 3/23/2021
- FHWA- Preservation Resources
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidance describes preservation as work that is planned and performed to improve or sustain the condition of the transportation facility in a state of good repair. A common mantra of pavement preservation is keeping good roads good. Constructing quality pavement preservation treatments when the pavement condition is still satisfactory can impede deterioration, extend service life, and improve functionality in a cost-effective manner while also enhancing safety and contributing to customer satisfaction.
- 4/21/2001
- Field Evaluation of Engineering Fabrics for Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing- Audubon County
This report presents the results of an evaluation of two engineering fabrics to determine their effectiveness in reducing reflective cracking. The fabrics evaluated were PavePrep and ProGaurd.
- 9/21/2002
- Fog Seal Application
This pocket-sized book is a checklist for fog seal application. It covers preliminary responsibilities, pre-application and project inspection, traffic control, and common problems and solutions.
- 2/25/2015
- Fundamentals of Quality Concrete
Provides a concise introduction to the five essential requirements of quality concrete.
- 4/15/2016
- GASB 34 Methods for Condition Assessment and Preservation
The report includes a summary of the key findings from the workshops organized by key questions. Also in the report are the results from a peer exchange conference among the workshop participants and a Recommended Practices Guide.
- 1/2/2011
- Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System, Synthesis Report
This report is the second in a two-part series to provide engineers with the necessary background knowledge of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) technology and its fundamental characteristics as an alternative to other construction methods. It supplements the interim implementation manual (FHWA-HRT-11-026), which outlines the design and construction of the GRS Integrated Bridge System (IBS). The research behind the proposed design method is presented along with case histories to show the performance of in-service GRS-IBS and GRS walls.
- 9/29/2011
- Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS)
This video illustrates how to build the Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS). It is intended to educate designers, engineers, contractors, and inspectors on the fundamentals of the GRS-IBS. Included in the video are interviews with designers, owners, and construction personnel and footage to explain the construction of the three main components: reinforced soil foundation; abutment; and integrated approach.
- 6/27/2017
- Geotechnical Aspects of Pavements
This is the Reference Manual and Participants Workbook for the FHWA NHI’s Course No. 132040 – Geotechnical Aspects of Pavements. The manual covers the latest methods and procedures to address the geotechnical issues in pavement design, construction, and performance for new construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation projects. The manual includes details on geotechnical exploration and characterization of in-place and constructed subgrades as well as unbound base/subbase materials. The influence and sensitivity of geotechnical inputs are reviewed with respect to the requirements in past and current AASHTO design guidelines and the mechanistic-empirical design approach developed under NCHRP 1-37A, including the three levels of design input quality. Design details for drainage features and base/subbase material requirements are covered along with the evaluation and selection of appropriate remediation measures for unsuitable subgrades. Geotechnical aspects in relation to construction, construction specifications, monitoring, and performance measurements are discussed.
- 10/15/2014
- Good Practices Incorporating Safety into Resurfacing and Restoration Projects
Integrating safety improvements into resurfacing and restoration projects is a subject of long-standing interest by Federal, State, and local transportation agencies. A Scan Tour was conducted to identify and subsequently observe good practices in this area. The scan team visitedColorado,Iowa,New York,Pennsylvania,Utah andWashingtonState. The Scan Team met with each State DOT and county agencies in three States and observed completed projects in all States. Despite wide variations in agency operating environments (e. g., funding levels and flexibility, public expectations, environmental regulations), the report identifies a set of common issues host agencies confronted in developing integrated resurfacing-safety improvement programs, and also observed a set of common success factors. Good practices are reported within institutional and technical categories. Good institutional practices include commitment to integrate safety into pavement preservation projects, establishing a system that allows for multi funded projects (pavement, safety) and allocates cost items by fund, allowing for flexible project development cycles, strengthening State-local relationships, developing an expedient procedure for acquiring minor rights-of-way, and engaging safety experts in the project development process. Good technical practices include identifying targeted safety countermeasures, making selective geometric improvements, installing traffic control devices and guidance features, improving roadsides, and improving private and public access points.
- 1/31/2017
- Harnessing Pavement Power- Developing Renewable Energy Technology in the Public Right-of-Way
The transportation sector consumes about one-third of the national energy production and is responsible for more than one-third of the pollution. Although recent development of fossil fuel resources in the United States shows promise for the short term in meeting excess demand, in the long run, fossil energy prices are expected to rise. The innovation potential in harnessing renewable resources now will make it likely to be competitive in the future.
- 1/1/2013
- High Friction Surface Treatments
HFST involves the application of very high-quality aggregate to the pavement using a polymer binder to restore and/or maintain pavement friction at existing or potentially high crash areas. The higher pavement friction helps motorists maintain better control in both dry and wet driving conditions.
- 4/30/2014
- High Friction Treatments are Gaining Traction
Introduces readers to high friction surface treatments (HFSTs) and describes how they are being used in Kansas to date.
- 1/21/2001
- HMA Pavement Mix Type Selection Guide
This document consists of guidelines for maximizing the effectiveness of Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA), Open-Graded Friction Courses (OGFC), and Fine-and-Coarse-Graded dense mixes.
- 1/21/2005
- Hot In-Place Asphalt Recycling Application Checklist
This pocket-sized book is a checklist for hot in-place asphalt recycling applications. It covers responsibilities, project inspection, and common problems and soultions.
- 10/21/2017
- How It's Made- Hot Mix Asphalt
This video, with a British narrator, takes the viewer on a plant tour of a hot mix asphalt plant and tells the story of how an asphalt road is made, from the quarry to the finished road surface.
- 9/5/2019
- Impact of Environmental Factors on Pavement Performance in the Absence of Heavy Loads
This document is a technical summary of the Federal Highway Administration Long-Term Pavement Performance Program report, Analysis of the Study of Environmental Effects in the Absence of Heavy Loads (FHWA-HRT-16-084).
- 8/10/2011
- Implementing Pavement Management Systems for Local Agencies Implementation Guide
This publication is based on the results of the Illinois Center for Transportation study ICT-R27-87, Implementing Pavement Management Systems for Local Agencies.