- 7/20/2017
- 11th International Conference on Low Volume Roads and Peer Exchange
The conference, held every four years, will feature the latest information about low-volume road management, design, construction, safety, maintenance, and many other related topics. At this conference, those who administer, plan, design, build, or maintain low-volume roads will learn innovative ways of managing low-volume road systems. The conference is organized for practitioners worldwide in local, state, and federal agencies; universities; private firms; and international organizations. Previous conferences typically have attracted 250 to 300 transportation professional from around the world.
- 8/9/2022
- A Guide for Leveraging ITS Evaluation Tools for Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) and Return-on-Investment (ROI)
This document serves as a guide to state and local agencies, as well as industry professionals, for leveraging the ITS Joint Program Office’s (JPO) ITS Deployment Evaluation Databases for the purpose of analyzing ITS benefit-costs. The purpose of this guide is to convey a high-level methodology that agencies can tailor for their own projects. Examples are also provided to convey how analysis results can be shared with a variety of stakeholders to gain support, commitment, and excitement for the deployment.
- 1/1/2009
- An Introduction to Guiderail Warrents and Layout (PA Tech Sheet #136)
The proper use and installation of guiderail is a difficult decision for many municipalities. Before deciding whether or not to install guiderail, a municipality should consider the safety, risk management, cost, and maintenance implications. The purpose of this technical bulletin is to provide an overview of the current standards, guidelines, and procedures for assessing the need for guiderail installations.
- 4/27/2017
- Asset Management Overview (FHWA-IF-08-008)
Asset Management is a business process and a decision-making framework that covers an extended time horizon draws from economics and engineering theory and practice and considers a broad range of assets.
- 3/13/2021
- Asset Management Primer
This document contains a linked list of resources that are available for asset management practitioners. These resources may be especially of interest to those new to transportation asset management and those planning to develop or enhance their Transportation Asset Management Plan.
- 3/8/2019
- Improving Asset Management Through Better Asset Information
This recommended practice provides guidance for transit agencies to enhance how they specify, provision, and manage asset information, thereby improving their approach to asset management.
- 3/1/2016
- Integrated Coridor Management, Transit, and Mobility on Demand
This primer examines how both public transportation and mobility on demand (MOD) can be incorporated into the integrated corridor management (ICM) approach. It also defines the need for including public transportation and mod stakeholders in ICM. Additionally, it explores opportunities to effectively integrate transit and other emerging modes of public transportation on institutional, operational, and technical levels. Finally, it also identifies several major challenges to integration, along with potential solutions. The primer also provides real-world examples of transit and MOD strategies and services incorporated within the ICM approach.
- 10/1/2015
- Iowa Pavement Asset Management Decision-Making Framework
This study developed a systematic pavement treatment selection framework for local agencies to assist them in selecting the most appropriate treatment and to help justify their maintenance and rehabilitation decisions. The framework is based on an extensive literature review of the various pavement treatment techniques in terms of their technical applicability and limitations, meaningful practices of neighboring states, and the results of a survey of local agencies. The treatment selection framework involves three different steps: pavement condition assessment, selection of technically feasible treatments using decision trees, and selection of the most appropriate treatment considering the return-on-investment (ROI) and other non-economic factors.
- 7/1/2021
- Kansas Local Road Management Handbook
This guide for Kansas county road and bridge officials was developed for new road supervisors and county engineers. It emphasizes administrative issues, laws, rules, and regulations that a road supervisor needs to understand.
- 12/12/2012
- Lessons Learned From a DOL Inspection
Provides some lessons learned from Riley County Public Works’ voluntary safety inspection by the US Department of Labor.
- 1/1/2012
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is the document that establishes the standard for traffic control nation-wide. This is the current edition as adopted by the State of Nebraska. It applies to all roads open to the public.
- 2/1/2003
- Pavement Structural Evaluation at the Network Level
This document is a technical summary of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) report, Pavement Structural Evaluation at the Network Level (FHWA-HRT-15-074).(1) It addresses the use of traffic speed deflection devices for the structural evaluation of pavements at the network level. Highlights from three major efforts—gathering information to identify viable devices, performing field trials at or near the Minnesota Department of Transportation MnROAD pavement test track facility near Maplewood, MN, to evaluate viable devices, and analyzing data to identify and select the best deflection indices—are presented. Suggestions for implementation of the results within network-level pavement management system (PMS) applications are also provided as well as recommended technology improvements.
- 11/15/2009
- Regional Transit Coordination Video
A video on essential elements of Regional Transit Coordination: organizational models, tools such as technology that improves coordination, and benefits to the community.
- 1/13/2001
- Risk Management for Rural Transit Systems
This National RTAP Technical Assistance Brief (#8) answers the following questions: What is risk management? What does a Risk Management Program look like? What are the steps of risk management? How can risk management help your system? What are the strategies of risk management?
- 2/12/2018
- Rural Transportation Toolkit
The Rural Transportation Toolkit provides in-depth learning modules covering program models, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability. This is a great resource for new rural transit planners or communities looking for information on how to establish a program.
- 9/14/2010
- Sign Management Software Survey Results At-a-Glance
A survey conducted by Kansas LTAP of attributes and capabilities of various sign management products, to be used for comparing them.
- 9/23/2000
- Soil Bioengineering: An Alternative for Roadside Management
This publication provides field personnel with the basic merits of soil bioengineering concepts and gives examples of several techniques especially effective in stabilizing and revegetating upland roadside environments.
- 1/14/2015
- Subcommittees: The Worker Bees of a Transit Board
This article will describe some of the typical subcommittees for transit boards, how they function, and the pros and cons of forming subcommittees, by summarizing major points from the National RTAP guidebook titled "Boards that Perform."
- 8/15/2012
- Tapes, Tripods, and Transits
This reference book is intended for the town, village, county, and city highway officials, street foremen, construction supervisors, and others who want to learn basic surveying methods, and whose knowledge and experience with surveying techniques is limited.
- 1/16/2006
- The Two Hour Myth
Describes requirements for employees reporting for random drug and alcohol testing that differ from post-accident testing. There is no two-hour rule for random testing; the reporting timeframe is: immediately.
- 7/17/2018
- Tools for a Sustainable Transit Agency
This report explores the development of practical tools for improving sustainability at transit agencies.
- 4/20/2014
- Transit Asset Management Systems: What Are They and How Do They Apply to Rural Transit?
This article will familiarize you with the basic components of TAM and give ideas of how TAM principles can be applied to improve system performance and prepare for the future.