
  • 9/1/2001
  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Gravel Roads

    Gravel roads (also referred to as Dirt and Unpaved roads) make up a substantial proportion of the nation’s road network, especially in rural areas. In recent years there has been a heightened sense of awareness towards the impact gravel roads have on the surrounding environment, being seen as a major nonpoint source of pollution (gravel and soils) in adjacent water bodies. The Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) was originally going to produce a manual on the best practices for constructing and maintaining gravel roads. During its research for the manual, it was seen that there was already a number of readily available resources that cover this subject comprehensively. Therefore, this report is intended to provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding gravel roads and provide a reference for numerous resources that are available on the subject. For quick reference, italicized words may found in the Glossary at the end of this publication.

  • 6/29/2021
  • Blading Unpaved Roads

    Covers many basic aspects of grading rural roads. Also includes the proper procedures to be used in grading around intersections, railroad crossings, private driveways, and bridges.

  • 6/26/2001
  • Dust Control on Low Volume Roads: A Review of Techniques and Chemicals Used

    In the United States, nearly 40 percent of officially designated roads are earth or gravel surfaced. This report is intended to serve as a practical dust control guide for such roads. Traditional dust suppressants along with nonstandard stabilizers are reviewed and conclusions drawn as to their benefits.

  • 1/2/2005
  • Economics of Upgrading an Aggregate Road

    This report describes a research project that provides Minnesota counties, and townships with information and procedures to make informed decisions on when it may be advantageous to upgrade and pave gravel roads. It also provides resources to assist county and township governments in explaining to the public why certain maintenance or construction techniques and policy decisions are made.

  • 5/30/2013
  • Evaluation of Mitigation for Safety Concerns on Low-Volume, Unpaved Rural Roads

    The purpose of this study was to identify and examine several unpaved, local road segments with higher than average crash frequencies, select and undertake potentially beneficial mitigation, and evaluate the results as time allowed. A variety of low-cost options were considered, including engineering improvements, enhanced efforts by law enforcement, and educational initiatives.

  • 4/30/2009
  • Good Gravel Roads

    A good gravel road starts with good gravel. More than half of the problems that occur on gravel roads stem from using the wrong kind of gravel. Learn what makes “good” gravel and other tips about effective gravel road maintenance.

  • 5/12/2016
  • Gravel Road Maintenance Meeting the Challenge

    Shows maintenance workers, supervisors, and engineers the right way to perform gravel road maintenance. Also shows the public what can be done to create a "good" gravel road, what is being done, and why it needs to be done. Designed as a training tool in conjunction with the Gravel Road Maintenance and Design Manual.

  • 11/1/2000
  • Gravel Roads: Maintenance and Design Manual

    The purpose of this manual is to provide clear and helpful information for doing a better job of maintaining gravel roads. It is recognized that very little technical help is available to small agencies that are responsible for managing these roads. Gravel maintenance has traditionally been “more of an art than a science” and very few formal standards exist. This leads to many arguments between grader operators, managers, and motorists over questions such as: What is enough surface crown? What is too much? What causes corrugation? This manual contains guidelines to help answer these and other questions about the maintenance of gravel roads.

  • 3/4/2015
  • Guidance- Managing Flagging Operations on Low-Volume Roads

    Low-volume roads pose a number of unique challenges to those responsible for their management. This document was created to supplement the 2009 Edition of the national Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) by providing commentary to assist decision-makers in planning flagging operations on these roads.

  • 12/12/2002
  • PASER Manual: Gravel Roads

    PASER stands for Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating, and it is a simple system for tracking the condition of your roads and streets, PASER helps you evaluate your roadway surfaces and plan repairs. Common defects are described and illustrated with photos. A surface rating system links type, number, and severity of defects with the type of maintenace needed. Updated in 2002.

  • 8/7/2024
  • Rural Roads OKC Peer Exchange.pdf

    Throughout the course of two days, it was evident that the traffic professionals in the room whether they are from law enforcement, planning, or engineering want to improve the transportation safety culture. Many participants are working to identify the appropriate tools to promote a healthy safety culture within their own organization. Specific key takeaways from conversations, discussions, and insights of participants include: 1. Understanding where to begin developing programs that implement low-cost safety-focused strategies and countermeasures 2. Comprehending and leveraging funding opportunities at Federal and State levels. 3. Effectively messaging to rural America. 4. Collaborating across different government agencies and partnering with outside entities.

  • 10/17/2006
  • To Pave or Not to Pave

    Helps local governments make an informed decision about when to pave a gravel road. Includes results of research on the topic.

  • 11/4/2019
  • Township Road Book

    This guide was prepared to help township officials in Kansas understand their duties and responsibilities. Townships in the 35 Kansas counties that have a County-Township road system have rural road maintenance responsibilities, giving them considerably more responsibilities and liability than townships in the other counties. 2019 edition.

  • 7/21/2003
  • When to Pave a Gravel Road

    This guidance is from an appendix of an EPA publication, created by the Kentucky Technology Transfer Center. It gives practical advice for when a local agency might (or might not) consider paving a gravel road.